The Family & Life Enhancement Series

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One of the most sought after conferences in and by churches across America today!

Topics Affecting Today’s Church!

The Mirror of Abuse - A special look at the most widely heard cry of people today exposing little known areas of abuse in the church and personal lives. The most requested of the series!  

For Better or Worse,... - Dealing with Life, love, and loss is a must for every individual. Insights for the counselor, engaged couples or people contemplating divorce. A Word for word break down of the marriage vows.  

The Depressed Church - (Dealing with Those in Depression)   One of the most commonly diagnosed conditions today. Learning to deal with the causes and the symptoms. A must for those in depression or family members.  ORDER ONLINE FOR ONLY $9.95 + S&H!

What People Are Saying,.....

A timely and effective tool for ministry to the members of and staff of churches across America,......Father’s House Churches, Nashville, Tennessee

The things discussed and disclosed in the Family & Life Enhancement Series are a great addition to my studies,...... Daryl Jones,Psychology Student Salisaw, Oklahoma

Information / Why This Conference? / Conference Schedule

For more information call:

615 / 355 - 4555

E-mail FLES


Schedule The Family & Life Enhancement Series for your church or family today!


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